ELIJAH: Fed By The Widow


The churches of Christ Greet You (Romans 16:16)



Text: 1 Kings 17:10-16




As we’ve seen, 1 Kings 17 reveals the testing of the Prophet Elijah by God as He prepares him for what is to come at Mt. Carmel. However, the story deals with more than simply Elijah or his destiny. The story also involves what God was seeking to do in the life of His people, the nation of Israel. It deals with what the northern kingdom was experiencing because of its idolatry. The nation had turned away from the Lord and His Word to the substitutes of the world. Therefore, Elijah forms a model for us. We can learn from Elijah about God and about ourselves - our needs, responsibilities in society, and our tendencies under the pressure of the conflict.


On the other hand, Israel forms an example of what happens in a society when it ignores God - it goes down hill fast and becomes morally corrupt. With this in mind, let's ask and answer a question. Why did God send the Prophet into the land of the Sidonians and to this widow as His source of supply when there were many widows in Israel with just as great a need? Apart from God's mercy, His use of this in the life of Elijah and the lessons it has for us in that way, there is another very important lesson here that we would like to address. The answer is found for us in the remarks made by the Lord in Luke 4:23‑27 (READ).


Not only was the nation facing drought and famine in the land, but they were also facing a famine of the Word of God. Because of their indifference, idolatry, and unbelief, God sent Elijah out of the land and to a Gentile widow. This was a form of judgment and has a two‑fold significance for us: This was somewhat prophetic of the church when, because of Israel's unbelief, God would turn from Israel as a nation and offer the Gospel to the Gentile world. Remnants of Israel would still come to Christ, but from the standpoint of the nation and her promised blessings, she would be set aside (cf. Rom. 11:6‑32).


Sending Elijah to the widow reminds us of our responsibility to carry the Gospel to all men (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16). This also teaches us we should never take our blessings for granted. Being a Christian – a child of God - is a wonderful privilege, but privilege never guarantees success (cf. 1 Cor. 10:1‑13). It provides the basis for success, but we need to take heed how we use our blessings. When a nation or individuals ignore the Word and turn to the substitutes of the world, they eventually experience the judgment of God. God may finally turn them over to the futility of their own solutions or strategies for life (Amos 8:11; Rom. 1:18ff; 2 Thess. 2:10‑12; 2 Tim. 4:3-4).


The Response of Elijah (1 Kings 17:10a)


Both in 1 Kings 17:5 and 17:10, we see how the prophet moved only when he had a word from the Lord. Even though the brook was drying up, he remained by the brook until word came from God. Isaiah 28:16 says, "he that believeth will not make haste.” The RSV has, "he who believes will not make haste," and the NASB has "he who believes in it (the cornerstone) will not be disturbed." Interestingly, this statement of Isaiah 28:16 is made following a reference to Israel's deceptive trusts - her dependence on her own human solutions. Rather than waiting on the Lord, Israel was running ahead to solve her problems and fears through her own strategies.


But Elijah waited on the Lord and help arrived. But in what manner? He was commanded to go on a long and toilsome journey through wild and barren country. Further, with so many widows in the land, how was he to find the right one? Isn't this a natural question? It appears he didn't know who the widow was, but he knew the Lord who did and that was more than ample.


The Point: Elijah was operating by the principle of Proverbs 4:18, "but the path of the righteous is like the shining light (or the light of dawn) that shines brighter and brighter until the full day." While this verse refers primarily to the moral rectitude of those who walk with the Lord, it may also illustrate how the Lord directs our paths making His will plain as we walk in His righteousness by faith. The righteous live by faith (Hab. 2:4). Day‑by‑day, step‑by‑step as we walk in fellowship with the Lord, He leads and directs the path of the righteous (Rom. 1:17).


Again, being consistent in faith, Elijah did not argue with the Lord, he did not whine, complain, nor run away. Instead, we read, "So he arose and went.” No questions, no arguments, no complaints, just obedience and undoubtedly, in the joy and expectation of what the Lord would do not only in him and for him, but through him. Why? Because, like the Lord Jesus, he would be there not simply to be ministered to, but to minister. We also believe he understood why he was not being sent to the widows of Israel. Finally, this was God's way of removing Elijah from Jezebel's reach.


The Relief to the Widow (Read 1 Kings 17:10b‑16)


When you and I measure what God is doing, we tend to measure it by what we see and think according to the natural man. We tend to measure God's supply, or our confidence and hope in God's supply, by what we see. When we do this, we are walking by sight rather than by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). The question we need to ask ourselves is: "DO I TEND TO LOOK AT HUMAN CONDITIONS AS A BASIS FOR MY CONFIDENCE OR DO I SEE THROUGH THEM TO THE SAVIOR”? Obviously, we need to know human conditions. We need to know the facts. For this reason, God allowed the spies to go into the land, but what they saw was not to become the basis of their confidence in what God could do nor for what they should do (Numbers 13-14). That was to be found in God's person, promises, and commands to go in.


Elijah's Response (vs. 10-11)


Our text tells us, "and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks." Again, we have the word "behold," that little demonstrative particle, hinneh, which is designed to arrest attention. Note two things here: First, we find Elijah at the gate of the city of Zarephath, but the Lord, who was there before him, had arranged it all. Second, the widow was by the gate gathering sticks by the providence of God. Remember, He leads us step‑by‑step. He goes before us.


If Elijah was looking for something to encourage him from the human standpoint of the widow, like a well‑dressed woman living in a luxurious house with a well‑stocked pantry, his hopes were soon dispelled. "Gathering sticks," was a sign of poverty. This woman was so poor she had no fuel, and in order to cook even a meager meal, she had to get out and round up a few sticks. Until now Elijah knew only that his source of supply was a widow. Now he knew she was a poor widow.


By human measurement, how reasonable was it that the man of God could expect sustenance under her roof? It was no more reasonable than Noah should build an ark before he had ever seen rain, much less a flood (Gen. 6-9), or for Joshua to command the people to walk around Jericho and expect the walls to fall down (Josh. 6). But the path of obedience is the path of faith that looks to God and not to circumstances both before and after the will of God is clear. Elijah's response is the issue. Remember that the brook was a preparation for him. The God who commanded the ravens and supplied through them, was the same God who had commanded the widow and would supply through her.


The Principle: The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). Circumstances change, but the Lord never changes (Mal. 3:6). Our circumstances do not diminish the character and power of God. They can in no way change His faithfulness or omnipotence. Elijah responded in faith. BUT HOW DID FAITH MANIFEST ITSELF? Like Abraham on Mount Moriah who looked to God for the supply of a lamb (Gen. 22), so Elijah saw beyond the woman's condition to Yahweh Yireh - Lord who provides. He did not judge according to sight, but according to God's character and divine essence. Elijah trusted in the promises of God. He didn't throw up his hands and say, "I don't believe this! You mean this poor soul is my supply for food? How in thunder can she help me?" He responded to God rather than reacting. Elijah acted in faith with his eyes on the Lord.


In verses 10 and 11, he asked the widow for a jar of water and a piece of bread. Was he believing the promise of God and acting on it, or was he looking for confirmation by her response that she had been expecting him and had plenty to eat? We know he was believing the promise of God because Elijah knew she was poor by the fact she was gathering sticks.


The Widow's Response (vs. 12)


Elijah's request opened afresh the wounds and pain of her heart. She could conceal her pain no longer. Her words showed she was not only poor but severely depressed. She had given up and was ready to die. This was their last meal and after that they would simply starve. It also appears she was without any real knowledge of the Lord and without faith. Still her heart was ready and had been prepared for God's Word and the ministry of Elijah. Note her words in verse 12, "as the Lord your God lives." This suggests she must have recognized Elijah as a prophet of Israel, perhaps by his dress (cf. 2 Kings 1:8). But Yahweh was not her God and she wasn't all that sure about the honesty of Elijah or the reality of his God (cf. 1 Kings 17:17-24). She needed to see the testimony of Elijah's life as well as the power of God.


Elijah’s Response (vs. 13-14)


What was Elijah to do now? Was he mistaken? What gave Elijah the courage to act like he did instead of throwing in the towel? Remember, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! (Prov. 23:7). Elijah's response in verses 13 and 14 were words of faith, compassion, and vision. As a man of God, he undoubtedly felt compassion for this poor woman. He knew his solutions or strategies for meeting his or her needs were not sufficient. He knew God was faithful, powerful, and purposeful. He knew she was poor, yet God's source of supply was no accident or mistake. He knew his needs were God's concern and that they were met in the Lord. He knew God was aware of his longings to preach in Israel (cf. Utah for me) and this would need to be tabled for now and turned over to the Lord and His timing. He had a vision for and was committed to God's purpose. This meant he must be available to serve others and trust the Lord for his needs.


Please Notice THIS: For us today, Elijah's words to the woman in verses 13 and 14 are equivalent to two things: First, we must give others the promises of God's love, concern, and care  - such as the promises of Philippians 4:19; 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22; and John 10:10. Second, acting as the Good Samaritan; sharing our blessings with others, knowing that our giving will not be our lack (Phil 4:19). The woman listened to Elijah's instruction and it was just as he had promised according to the Word of the Lord. She saw the power of God - the widow, her son, and Elijah were all sustained.


What lessons can we learn from this passage of Scripture? First, look beyond the circumstances to the Lord as Yahweh Yireh – the Lord who supplies. Second, never judge or measure God's supply by what you can see. He is the One who does exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20). Third, ask God for the vision needed to see the opportunity for ministry lying, perhaps, right under your nose. Fourth, ask God for the compassion and love needed to reach out to others with His power and love. Fifth, know that the Lord is aware of your longings and turn them over to Him. Sixth, know also that your basic needs have been met in Christ. Knowing that, commit yourself to fulfilling God's purposes in your life.



We must not end this lesson without a WARNING: God sent Elijah out of the land because the people were indifferent – indeed, rebellious to the Word of God. No man, nation, or congregation can neglect God's truth without dire consequences. It can mean a famine, not just for bread and water, but for hearing the Word. This is not just a matter of what God does to us, but what we do to ourselves, of what happens within mankind that hardens us and causes us to ignore and turn away from God.


Far too often today when people look for a church they choose one like they would a country club or a shopping mall, on the basis of consumerism rather than on the teaching of the Word of God and the ministry of its people to one another. Many times the basis of their choice is not the solid teaching of the Word, but programs, music, the number of youth, the activities, and other similar consumer‑like issues. Our nation is filled with steeples, but there is a famine in our land. Not a famine of food and water but of the proclamation of the Word of the Lord (cf. Amos 8:11).


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